Not So Guilty Pleasures

While I was part of the working world I had this guilty pleasure – reading. I have always loved to read but I always used to sneak away to read. Outside in a tree as a little kid, in the library as a middle school kid (not doing my homework) and in the middle of the night as an adult. I was sneaking around, shirking my responsibilities, procrastinating.  To escape into a different world, meet people (or vampires), solve crimes, fight dragons, see the pyramids, laugh out loud and fall in love – how could I resist! I could not. So I continued to sneak around and read when I could. Vowing that when I retired reading was going to be part of my daily “to do” list.

Then I retired! And now I read at least 3 to 4 hours every day and sometimes more. NO more guilt about the pleasures of reading. I’d love to be able to tell you that I read all these great books – classics, the great minds, self-improvement, politics, but that is not what I am reading. Instead, I am reading mystery, romance, and my top favorite of the moment – urban fantasy.

What – you say – is that? Urban fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy, placing supernatural elements in an approximation of a contemporary urban setting. The combination provides the writer with quixotic plot-drivers, unusual character traits, and a platform for classic fantasy tropes, without demanding the creation of an entirely imagined world. Think Anne Rice with Vampires in New Orleans. But there is so much more.

Some people have difficulty suspending belief but really there are amazing things out in the world. Things that are really had to believe – why can’t there be magic or magick, as the case may be. And I am pretty sure I know some people who are vampires, werewolves and witches. There is no doubt that at least one person is a demon. If you already know urban fantasy, I don’t have to tell you. If you have never tried it, give it a shot – it really is fun.

I started with a series (I love series) by Mark Hayden. His The Thirteenth Witch, grabbed me from the beginning when the hero Conrad, former RAF pilot and alleged gangster, receives a text (yes, text message) from The Allfather (Odin). Over 17 books we learn about a whole cast of characters so complex that Mark’s website has several “who’s who’ lists and a family chart. I have referred to them many times. These books are absolutely tongue in cheek and the cast of characters are amazing, almost all with a serious flaw or two. One of my favorites is a talking mole. What can I say, you just must read it to understand.

More great stories in The Invisible Library Series by Genevieve Cogman. Irene is a professional spy for the mysterious Library, which harvests fiction from different realities. Along with her enigmatic assistant Kai, she’s posted to an alternative London. Their mission – to retrieve a dangerous book. But when they arrive, it’s already been stolen, London’s underground factions seem prepared to the very death to find her book. Did I mention that Kai is a dragon – and yes – spoiler alert – he does turn into one occasionally. The real story throughout the 8-book series however is the balance of power in the universe between chaos (represented by the Fae) and order (represented by Dragons). The Library and their employees help to keep the balance – sort of. This is mystery, intrigue and yes, a little love story all combined.

There is nothing I like better than humor and maybe a little snarkiness. One of the funniest series I have read is by K.F. Breene called of all things Demigods of San Francisco Series – I suspect it was better that I not know that until after I read the first book – Sin & Chocolate. Great title – right? Who could not read that? A paranormal romance series with a heavy dose of Greek mythology. This series focuses on Alexis, a ghost whisperer with teen-aged adopted kids and includes some of the trials of single parenthood. Heavy on humor and magic, the romance is slower to start but becomes a big part of the story by book two. Lots of sex, lots of banter, lots of emotions are at play. Lexi picks up a whole host of characters who can help her fight the evil forces at play in San Francisco and the world. Honestly some of the “battles” are completely laugh out loud.

I could go on and on about all the great Urban Fantasy I have read over the past couple of years but then I would be writing a novel myself. Here are a few great authors for you to check out.

Jennifer Estep – The Elemental Assassin books – Gin Blanco who controls the elements of Ice and Stone. She is an assassin and the owner of a barbeque joint.

Dan Willis – The Arcane Casebook series – This book follows a Detective / Rune wright Alex as he solves crimes and fights Nazi’s in 1930s NYC. The city is controlled by Sorcerers who are not so strangely like the captains of industry from that time.

Linsey Hall – I love literally everything this woman writes – she was an archaeologist who studied shipwrecks and that love of historical objects comes through in this series. She has Magical towns set all over with reoccurring characters throughout her novels.

C.N. Crawford – These two authors (Christine and Nick) who write lots of books. I have read most of them and love them all. Some of these books have great battle scenes. I often wonder if this is because it had both a female and male perspective?

There are a whole lot more great authors in this genre. If you would like to know more authors just contact me or try google. If you have an urban fantasy author, you like – please post!

BTW – some of these Urban Fantasies are heavy on sex, so if that is not you, you might want to read the fine print.