Going to the Zoo

Family at zooI took my grandchildren to the zoo yesterday.  It was great and they had an opportunity to see animals that they will probably never see in the wild. They enjoyed it and so did I. I have been going to zoos as long as I can remember. My grandfather took me to Brookfield Zoo every Friday. I loved the bears ad at that time we were allowed to throw peanuts and marshmallows to them. My great-aunt lived practically next door to the zoo and the tradition after Thanksgiving dinner was to walk over and visit the animals. Where ever I have travelled I have visited zoos and aquariums with fascination and delight.

Lately however, as we learn more about the intelligence and capabilities of all species, I find myself wondering if these facilities are really good for society. So I did a little reasearch. As you might expect there are all kinds of answers.

Ethics of Zoos and Aquariums

I have always believed that Zoos foster conservation but in reading I think we can do a better job in promoting consevation and also make sure that the animals have a fulled life. One article by Barbara Smuts talked about the need to provide someplace to go and something to do for animals.

Finding companion animals for the zoo residents. I am a big fan of all the cable TV shows where animals of different species befriend each other and friends really DO make a difference. Perhaps finding more space and changing “exhibits” will reduce the boredom and finally putting in more active things to keep the animals occupied.

I like the idea of a zoo as a sanctuary for animals that are not able to be in the wild. FInding more open space and more things for the animals to do naturally sounds right to me. I do think that taking animals from the wild is a mistake, unless they are unable to survive. There are a bunch of large refuges for animals that have been rescued. I also think that more proactive teaching of conservation from the zoos is important, We still go to zoos to be entertained. I still want these animals to be able to live in the wild, but are we humans able to leave them alone to live?

I don’t have good answers to these questions, but I do think we need to keep asking them.

Author: Laura TG

Curiosity that's what makes the world go around. I wonder about a lot of things and I love to tell stories. New places to visit, new books to read, new people to meet and new stories to tell. What could make life better. Can't wait to share with you.

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